Digital Marketing Glossary

Above the Fold
The area of a web page that is visible before the website viewer scrolls down the page.

Ad Exchange 
A marketplace that allows Internet publishers (websites with open ad spots) and advertisers (your client’s ads to put in those ad spots) to buy and sell advertising inventory in real-time auctions, as opposed to the historical method or buying advertising by price negotiation, contracts, etc.

Attribution is a fancy way to say figuring out which marketing channels are driving ROI. Determining which part of a marketing campaign had the greatest effect on the consumer.

Bounce Rate
The percentage of single-page visits to a website in which a person leaves the website from the landing page without clicking anything. 26 to 40% is excellent. 41 to 55% is average. 56 to 70% is higher than average, but may not be cause for alarm depending on the website. Anything over 70% is disappointing for everything outside of blogs, news, events, etc.

Contextual Marketing
A process in which advertisers target a consumer based on their psychographic data (search terms, recent browsing history, recent purchases, social media likes, etc.). Using that data, the consumer can be served targeted ads on relevant websites that match their profile. The goal is to present ads to consumers representing products and services that they are already interested in. Programmatic Advertising is a method of Contextual Marketing.

Cost Per Acquisition is the measurement of the cost of acquiring a customer who clicks on a website link or completes any action—in other words, the return on marketing investment, in particular, total marketing spend over total front-end conversions.

Cost Per Like. It defines the cost of acquiring new fan for a social media page. The Like or Follow can be acquired through a paid advertisement or any other earned media effort.

Location-based marketing where you would get a message or ad within a certain virtual boundary around a specific location. Drawing a circle (or polygon) around your business on a map to target people who are in the area. Businesses that have an app can use geofencing to target people near the business and draw them in with a special offer or promotion.

With Facebook and Google making it easier and easier for local consumers to find the right business in their area, having a hyperlocal marketing strategy is imperative for businesses that want to compete in today’s digital world. Hyperlocal means an area close to home—targeting the people within walking or driving distance to a business, or those united in one identifiable community.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing refers to the activities and strategies used for attracting potential users or customers to a website. “Inbound” is a more recent euphemism for what has traditionally been called “SEO”. Inbound marketing is crucial to having a good web presence, as it’s used as a way to attract prospective customers by educating and building trust about your services, product and/or brand.

Key performance indicators: used to measure the success of digital marketing campaign or business. For example, click through rate, page views, website traffic, bounce rate, email open rate, conversion rate, etc.

Google talks about micro-moments all the time. They’re those little moments in your life when you need help with something so you reach for your phone. Micro-moments are broken down into moments such as “I want to know,” “I want to go” and “I want to do,” among others. According to Think with Google, 91% of people use their mobile device to research information in the middle of a task. The best brands capitalize on micro-moments by understanding what their customers want and then crafting strategies to answer their customers’ key questions in real time. To make the most of micro-moments, supply your customers with actionable content that’s useful any time, any place.

Native Advertising
An advertising model in which an ad on a website behaves like a part of site’s content. This is widely popular for content promotion.

Omni-channel is a marketing approach that prioritizes creating a seamless brand experience for customers wherever they are browsing and consuming content. Always being where your customer is makes it easy to stay top-of-mind. If well-executed, these campaigns result in a personalized customer experience that drives more and more engagement with leads and customers.

Programmatic Advertising
Automates media buying for display advertising (banner ads), targeting specific audiences and demographics. One aspect of programmatic advertising is guaranteed impressions. A budget is set and the platform uses real-time impression data to decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them. Also has real-time reporting. AdWords is better for buyer intent: search, specific keywords, and text ads. Programmatic is better for reaching consumers with display ads anywhere on the web (also has a bigger overall reach for impressions). Programmatic ads are targeted based on demographic data (gender, income, etc.), psychographic data (likes and interests), and behavioral data (company they bank with, brand of car they drive, etc.).

Follow up emails (or direct mail) after you’ve visited a website. Most effective for shopping cart abandonment.

Follow up ads after you’ve visited a website. Retargeting can boost ad response by 400 percent.

How Google Analytics measures website visits. This is not the same as clicks on an ad, or website visits it the traditional sense. If a person visits a website multiple times within the session timeout period (default 30 minutes), they will only be counted as one session. There is also a minimum time for the session, so users that get to a website, don’t interact with it, and leave in less than one minute (bounces), will not be counted as sessions. This can lead to a mismatch of ad clicks vs. sessions.

Social Commerce
Social Commerce is an online marketing strategy that uses established social media networks to drive sales for a business. It is done through social interaction and user contribution. Essentially, brand-building using social media.

Smart Content
Smart content refers to personalized content that is designed to meet a consumer’s needs. This could be anything from adding the consumer’s name to an email or personalizing a call-to-action depending on where the consumer is in the buying cycle.

Unique Visitors (called Users in Google Analytics)
An analytics metric used to show how many different, unique people view a website over a period of time. Unique visitors are tracked by their IP addresses. If a visitor visits the same website multiple times, they will only be counted once in the unique visitors metric.
