What are you waiting for?
It’s campaign season—the most wonderful time of the year, especially if you’re a business owner or marketing officer. It’s pretty wonderful for us, too, as well as challenging. After all, from now until our seasonal residents start returning to roost, let’s say around Thanksgiving, we will be putting our time and talents making sure all of our clients receive their campaign messages for the remainder of 2020 through 2021 in the marketplace across every conceivable marketing communications medium reaching the audience they want.
In Southwest Florida, our economy relies on revenues raised in “season” the same way department stores once depended on the post-Thanksgiving shopping surge that gave rise to the term “Black Friday.” So if you want interest in your brand to spike like our craving for leftover turkey sandwiches, then you should celebrate campaign season ASAP.
Thanks to a little viral outbreak shutting down countries around the globe earlier this year, planning for 2021 may have taken a back seat to surviving 2020 for many small businesses. But with restrictions easing, traffic swelling and life beginning to resemble what we once called “normal,” there’s no time like the present to meet up (either in person or on screen) with your friends at Wilson Creative Group.
According to the Southwest Florida Economic Development Alliance, our region has a population of 1.3 million with a mean household income of $79,499. Over 28% of residents have a bachelor’s degree and 51% of the population is considered to be in their “working years” between 20 and 65 years of age. In season, winter residents may increase the population by as much as 22%, according to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council.
So if you didn’t have a fact-laden appreciation for why it’s important to celebrate “campaign” season, you likely do now. Especially if your target demographic leans towards baby boomers, but also the spending mindset of all age groups as the holidays approach. Consumers may be in the mood to reward themselves with goods and services given the hardships and financial disruptions they’ve endured.
The next thing you might ponder is why a campaign rather than one-off components like an ad here, an e-blast there, is the course of action to take. Yes, keeping your brand top of mind is fundamental, but generating excitement about it with astonishingly fresh, creative, strategic brand communications can only be accomplished when you surround your potential customers with words and images they haven’t already seen before—in your ads, e-blasts, website, social media posts, on PPC ads, site displays as well as signage, billboards, direct mail, TV and radio spots. In other words, the works! Obviously, the media we utilize on your behalf will be those we identify as the most cost-efficient, with customized messages resonating meaningfully.
Now that’s something we’ve become quite adept at over the last 13 years. On October 7th, we reached our 13th year introducing, transforming, and expanding brands for businesses here in Florida and beyond. It’s an honor to be the steward of the brands we represent, know and love. Just as you are an expert in your industry, we are in ours. Let’s all have a very happy “campaign” season and a profitable “season” season!
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